Mario Feles

Mario Feles dos Santos Junior

Applications Developer

About Me

Applications Developer

Experience in developing:
  • Andoid (+Kotlin, -Java, +Dart)
  • Flutter
  • Clean Architecture
  • Proguard, DexGuard
  • Inject dependency
  • RxAndroid
  • Retrofit - OKHttp...
  • JetPack Compose
  • JetPack - Arquiteture Components
  • Designer System, Material Designer
  • TDD - Espresso, Mockito, Appium
  • Scrum, XP, Agile
  • Backend - Spring Boot, Rest APIs
  • CI/CD - CodeMagic, Bitrise, CircleCI
  • Docker
  • Firebase
  • GraphQL
  • Hasura
  • Heroku
  • Shell/Linux <3
  • Postgresql, Mysql, Sqlite, Realm
  • Git, GitFlow, Bitbucket, Github

    Experience with designer applications.

    Easy relationship person , focus the objectives of both business and personal, always seeking to grow as a person and professional.


Latest Projects

Work Experience

Mobile Specialist Impulso Network (M4U/BLU) (2019 - Present)

Full Stack Deloveper AFA Sistemas (2014 - Present)

Designer Gráfica Ribeiro (2012 - 2014)

My GitHub

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